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ORS activities - KAIZEN activities unified with ISO

About ORS activities

What is ORS?

Ogura Renewing System

ORS activities is

Not hung to given concepts, to renew OGURA Jewel’s “method, structure, organization” and to improve business efficiency by investigating all available strategies and tactics.

Concrete policy of activities

Activities are based on 4 pillows of ORS activities.

Contents of activities

About ORS activities

① Monthly instruction

Main pillow for all activities

② Special in-house audit
(To increase quality of viewpoints and way of thinking)

  • Increase level of managing supervisor.
  • Make sure to generate efficiencies with a higher speed of improvement.

③ In-house training trainers
(To make trainers have same viewpoints )

  • Through this training, learn the same perspectives, ways to use tools (find out problems), way of thinking (true improvement).
  • 2 trainings/year (trainees are new comers and recommended people for re-training.

④ ORS collegium
(To heighten consciousness of all employees)

  • All should attend the collegium to conduct actions for improvement by department.
  • Now consistent of 13 teams.

Develop business policy and ORS-ISO to the company

Business policy

  • Be conscious of speed (prompt judgment, prompt decision, prompt action) and to act
  • Develop ORS and ISO activities to all the company
  • Build up combined effects of 3 elements: Sales+Technich+Production
  • Achieve targets of environment and objectives to create safe and secure environment

Develop ORS-ISO to all of the company

Develop ORS-ISO to all of the company

Philosophy of ORS-ISO

Thinking of the fact that employees entrust their most precious time of their lives to the company, to aim to improve quality of lives of themselves on the basis of prosperity of the company.

Objectives of ORS

To create conditions of profitable company by increasing working efficiency through efforts of improvement with ingenuity and device and also by aiming at total cost reduction at technical and production.

Objectives of ISO

  • ISO9001

    To seek corporate profit by increasing customer satisfaction.

    To seek profit of corporate through constant activities for higher customer satisfaction.

  • ISO 14001

    To seek corporate profit by its own environmental performance.

    To seek corporate profit by promoting environmental security through our own control of environmental influence to the earth.

Corporate Profile
